Wednesday, November 12, 2014

First snow in Boulder

Winter started in Boulder on Monday, November 10th at 12:44 pm. It was about 65 degrees when I went to work, and was in the 20's by lunch. That actually sounds warm right now, as I just got back from a walk and it's 5 degrees out now, up from 0 earlier today (Wednesday November 12th). 

The roses in front of my work were not expecting this. 

Braving the cold. Photo credit to my friend Correne. 

When I got home from work, I took Muddy Waters (Rod and Drea's puppy) out front. Like me, this is his first Colorado winter. 

Here's looking back at our place in Downtown Boulder. 

I woke up to quite a bit more snow this morning. This is the view from my room. 

I ended up working from home today and went on a walk this afternoon to get some cool shots of the storm. 

This little creek is a block from the house. 

And here is Boulder Creek. 

I went for a walk upstream on the Boulder Creek Path. 

Here are the outdoor volleyball courts at Boulder High School, which is right next to the creek and path. 

And the baseball field. 

The Boulder Creek Path. 

A little too big for our Christmas Tree. 

My turn around spot on a bridge over Boulder Creek. 

I ride past this house every morning on my way to work, looks beautiful covered in snow. 

This Miata has not moved since we have lived here, and the windows are missing. 

It was a cold walk, but at least I have a puppy to help warm me up as I write this.