Saturday, August 16, 2014

Mission Gorge Climbing

What will probably be my last time climbing in San Diego was somewhat of a bust. With the recent fire at Mission Gorge, the first trail was closed. Went up the second trail to find out the trail at the top was closed just pass Mission Control. All of Limbo and Middle Earth (my favorite areas) are closed. Went with Ryan and two of his friends. I led a 5.9 sport that I have climbed before, but bailed after the fourth bolt. Couldn't figure out the sequence and a fall there would mean hitting the deck. Not something I want to do two weeks before Switzerland. Got a few cool pics though. 

Friday, August 15, 2014

First Post

So I was inspired to start this blog after a colleague shared his son's blog, which was adventure/trekking  based.  It got me thinking how I do a lot of cool outdoor adventures (camping, backpacking, mountain biking, kayaking, mountaineering, rock climbing, surfing, snorkeling, archery, fishing, etc.) and I want a place to document my travels and adventures.  I'm also embarking on the biggest change of my life thus far, moving out to Boulder, Colorado and I want my friends and family in California to be able to follow along with me.  I will not document any of my past adventures, but will consider this the starting point of the next chapter.  This seems like as good as any place to start, as Jessica and I are off to Switzerland in a couple weeks and then Boulder the next week.  The mountains are calling and I must go.